Here you will find a fascinating world of fully functioning "live steam" models depicting machines that provided power and transport over 100 years ago, but which can be still seen in occasional use today.
In addition, we have machines that can be driven by the steam engines to provide you with the resourses to build a replica of a functioning steam powered boat, workshop or fairground scene of long ago.
Most of our working steam models are made in Germany by Wilesco, but we also have an Australian manufacture of live steam models - Steamco.
For something a little different, we have a miniature Sterling Cycle hot air engine that runs quietly by simply using hot air as the power source.
Each of these machines has great educational value, and act to bridge the generation gap as grandpa explains the operation to the younger generations who marvel at these machines ticking away.
Collector Models can also supply replica scale models of Tractors and Implements, Construction, Earthmoving & Mining Equipment, Forestry Equipment, Trucks, and much more.